“Joy”, was the answer Mrs. Joyce gave me when I asked her for a word that would characterize her marriage of 44 years to Michael. For Michael and Joyce it all began at a Dairy Queen in Pomerory, Ohio where he mistook her for a friend. Despite the urging of their friends they started spending time together and were married August 12th, 1973. Through the years they have had their share of tragedy as well as blessing. Now here it is on their 44 anniversary and they are still going strong.
As I spent the evening with them and their little dog Ginger the word that kept coming up in my mind was, “Content”. They are content with life and therefore they have joy. They trust each other, causing contentment with each other, bringing peace. I don’t often get to take pictures of couples for their anniversary and I have to say it was so nice to be with a couple that has no pretenses, no fears of the other person, just respect and companionship. So yes, I believe “joy” is the perfect word for this couple.
Happy Anniversary Mr. Mic and Mrs. Joyce! May God blessing you all the more in the years to come. Thank you for the blessing of sharing a sunset with you over the river and getting a look into your life.
Your sister in Christ, RebeccaI love this idea, it was a bit tricky to get the camera lined up right but worth it. Just a beautiful sunset and I love that I can see their expressions within the silhouette.
These pictures were supposed to be focused on their love of Ohio State but I think Ginger upstaged the big O-H! 😉
These were some of my favorite moments with them that afternoon. So easy going and it really brought out the heart of this couple, the joy they have of being with one another.
And they are living Joyfully Ever After!