With Only a few weeks left in Spain I am finding my heart starting to grieve a bit. I met Cierra when I first moved here three years ago and I was so excited to have the opportunity to photograph her family. Her son had to be the cutest kid I have ever seen in my life and to this day he still is. When I take photographs of people like Cierra or when I find a great location to shoot in like the ruins above Puerto Cherry I simply start to get a little tearful. I am going to miss Spain and taking photos of this beautiful family reminded me of that. It reminded me that there is still so much I haven’t had the chance to discover here and I hope someday to come back and visit a little more.
For people like Cierra, she knows that when she leaves Spain (the only home her son will have ever known) they will have to say goodbye to all the precious memories that are scratched into the door post as Isaiah grew and they will have to find a way to preserve the moments that have come and gone. How do we do this, as military we have to say goodbye so often, but for me I am saying goodbye as I snap my camera. My lens gives me the opportunity to record forever in my mind the beauty of this country and personality of the community I have cherished here.
Cierra, thank you so much for the opportunity to know you and to take your photos, it has been a pleasure that you have allowed me, a perfect stranger to always stop and say hi to your adorable son while working in the NEX allowing me to build a friendship with you. Thank you for being apart of a community I will hold dear to my heart always. I will remember to prayer that all the dreams you and Jeff have will come true. I know you two are going to do amazing things because you have all the right ingredients for success.
Keep going strong and keep the faith!
Below I posted your favorites so I know you will enjoy them. 🙂
Rebecca Anne
- Boutte Family